
Becoming a Landlord-Know Everything to be a Landlord in the UK

Rentable inventory is increasingly in demand. Being a landlord in the UK is a smart way to build an array of wealth. But it isn’t that easy. Like any other industry, renting out a property requires a specific set of abilities and knowledge, and off course money! Buying a rental property does not guarantee 100% profit to you. But it need not be a hassle, though.

To be able to attract tenants, your property must have an attractive location and other crucial features at the same time. We’ve outlined seven tips to help you eliminate your headache!

Manage Your Money Wisely

As profitable as this field is, in your initial phases, you do have to invest a lot of money. For starters, you must have sufficient cash resources.

In addition to the initial investment, you should set aside cash for unforeseen repairs. The future is uncertain; you don’t know what future crises may occur.

Thus, you should always be prepared to face any situation that may arise in future. Set aside funds so that whatever the crisis might occur, you can be ready to face it.

Seek Professional Support

It’s not easy to become a landlord in the UK; in order to get off to a good start; you will require an expert’s assistance. Engage with certain rules and regulations that apply to you. Any sort of misunderstanding in a contract can lead to various harmful results, which makes this process extremely important. Hire a team of electricians, plumbers, and other craftsmen. If you follow this procedure cautiously, then you can easily serve your tenants more effectively.

You can also seek the assistance of a property management company. They may help you with services like routine cleaning, property marketing, possession takeover, tenant handover, inspection, professional cleaning, visit management, utility bill chasing, rental follow-up, etc.

Maintain Effective Communication

A professional landlord is a good communicator who communicates frequently with their tenants about ongoing feedback. They are quick to respond to queries, responsive when urgent repairs are necessary and amenable.

While you don’t want your renter to bother you at all times, you shouldn’t also fully block off communication with them. When tenants know how to contact their landlords, they feel more at peace.

As soon as a renter moves in, offer them your business phone number. You can also provide them with your email address. This will reduce the number of after-hours calls you receive and enable you to maintain a written record of your correspondence with your renter.

Respect Your Tenant’s Privacy

A few jurisdictions demand that you notify the renter before entering the property. Even if you believe the renter may have committed damage, you shouldn’t completely vacate the rental property; nonetheless, you should let the tenant know in advance.

Popping in at all times isn’t appropriate at all. Respect comes to both ways. Thus, if you want your tenant to respect your privacy, then you have to respect theirs as well. Even though you are entitled to examine the property, the frequent visits will eventually convince your tenant to terminate the lease.Tenants want their privacy.

Conduct a Proper Screening of Your Tenant

Finding a good tenant is as important as finding a good location for your property. It is important to select a tenant with a solid credit history. Selecting quality renters also enables you to set fair rents.You ought to –

  • Confirm your renters’ income statements and job status.
  • Verify their background with their past landlords.
  • Find out if they have any civil judgments, evictions, or bankruptcies.
  • Perform a criminal history investigation

Avoid any Sort of Discrimination Towards Your Tenants

Being a landlord in the UK or in any other country demands that the landlord must follow all the federal, state, and municipal rules and policies. Be aware while speaking to your tenants on the phone, in person, in documents, and anywhere else. Additionally, keep a thorough record in case someone ever wants to accuse you of breaking the Fair Housing Laws.


The gap between the tenant and the landlord doesn’t have to be that wide. By keeping these seven suggestions in mind, you guarantee yourself the guarantee of being an attentive, proactive, and understanding landlord.

For more insights contact Estate Agents Chichester.